Railway Property Management Company Limited
(A Subsidiary of the Nigerian Railway Corporation)

We Work Hard and Porto has
The Best Design
Trusted by over 40,000 satisfied users, Porto is a huge success in the one of largest world's MarketPlace

Railway Guest house at Ebute- Metta Lagos

We Work Hard and Porto has
Trusted by over 40,000 satisfied users, Porto is a huge success in the one of largest world's MarketPlace

Estates at Owa Oyibu
Estates at Owa Oyibu
RailwayPropertyManagementCompanyLimited Corporate Information
Corporate Mission
Maximizing the potentials of NRC Land resources and expanding the frontiers of business opportunities in real estate sector.
To become the leading property management and development company with wide range of investment opportunities in the real estate industry.
To systemically, effectively and consistently manage all the presently commercialized and the potentially commercialisable lands, buildings and quarries of the Nigerian Railway Corporation nationwide
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